Five Benefits of Telemental Health

Technology has transformed modern life, and now it is changing the mental health landscape, transforming the way social workers, counselors, therapists, and clinical psychologists provide mental health services.

Five Benefits of Telemental Health

Technology has transformed modern life, and now it is changing the mental health landscape, transforming the way social workers, counselors, therapists, and clinical psychologists provide mental health services.

Telemental health—delivering mental health care remotely, and sometimes over great distances—is making it possible to bring life-changing services to populations who previously may have lacked access to them. Clinical mental health counselors are interacting with clients through a wide range of technological tools including apps, videoconferencing, text messaging, e-mail, chat rooms, blogs, and websites.

Here are five of the benefits telemental health offers to patients and practitioners:

1. Expands Access

    Geographical distance or location becomes far less of an issue. The kms between men, women, and children who live in rural or remote areas and counselors become a non-issue.

    2. Saves Time

      Patients and clients now save plenty of time traveling long distances by video conferencing and phone calls, also any travel-related costs and time off from work.

      3. Shortens Delays

        Telemental health removes many of the barriers that lead to long waits to see providers.

        Patients usually fear seeking mental health help, and also fear others finding out they’re seeking help. Others may have difficulties leaving their home or feeling unsafe in the examination room. Consultation, treatment and therapy in the comfort of their home will eliminate these barriers.

        Telemental health also does not limit the serving to only patients. Their family and closed persons could also seek help - the benefit that hospitals and many clinics in Vietnam could not provide them.

        4. Eases Stigma

          In 1999, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher identified the stigma around mental illness as the most persistent barrier to individuals seeking help.3 Patients always concern about appearing publicly, working with clinical mental health providers from home via teleconferencing, or by phone, can ease anxieties and promote acceptance of treatment.

          5. Gets Results

            Research has consistently proven the effectiveness in treating mental health disorders via teleconferencing to a variety of populations, just like face-to-face mental health services.4

            The demand for mental health counselors is expected to increase by 20% during the 10-year span ending in 2024. Telemental health service will be provided by a mental health therapist, mental health clinician, clinical manager, clinical therapist, clinical supervisor, mental health counselor.


            Telemental health services is an effective method for people, both patients and their family. Participating in online therapy allows people to receive significant emotional support via easy to use apps and websites, including video, internet voice or cellular phone call. Online treatment and therapy do not diminish or undervalue the kind of emotional work you can engage in if you are willing to give virtual mental health service an honest try.

            By Wellcare Apr 2021






            - 23-06-2021 -

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